hi frinds, now we r doing upanayanam fuction.this is the important
one to do karmas(samskaram)after putting sacret thred then onlyboy
become to do karmas.already I told about dvijanmaAbout this ,
the Apasthamasuthram,from tht muthusrowdigal
wrote clearly. we r all follow this.this is very important karma.so
apastamba rishi told" a dha upanayanam ,vyak
brahmana in garbashtam,for shathriya garbaekadasa,for vaishyas
garba dvadasa, will do this function.then for rudhu also we must know.
Bramanas do this in vasantharudhu,shathriyas in girishmaru sarath rudhu for vaisyas.vasantharudhu=chithirai,vaikasi
girishma r=aavani, purattasi, varsha rudhu ippasi,karthigai.
sarath rudhu margazi , palguni..hemantharudhu masi palguni.sisirsrud
if father wants to put sacred tred to his son, he will do this , to do this function
at the age of 8 yrs old. first the father knows the meaning of manthras,n he must
do the correctway.Then he saw the guru , ask him to put poonal. 4 tht according
to his words he must arrange the functn is called Upanayanam.the word upa
naye , the meaning is ,tobrin the boy near, tht is the take him near guru then the
guru teach him n bring him near to brahmam, name gayatri, here gayatri is brahmam.
before putting poonal,( all these yrs) the to do things on his own wish. thr is no condition
but after wearing poonal the guru tells wht to do n wht not todo. after this the boy gets
new janba(birth)tht is calles thvijanma, 2nd birth. after this he has got full right to all karmas
(samskaras)4this function to cloths to nearer n food to atleat 100 persons. so must call
relativs frnds. this function is also we tell brahmopadeam. to know the brahmam ,( roopana Gayatri) next other things will come.Wait n see.
I call u all 4 the function. by Dr vlm
Friday, December 23, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
father did nandi nHOMAM
now we must know some more things. The father finished poojas n the guru
keeps ready to do homam.then he n his pathni should sit before homam.
he put avis n gee spoon by momam with manthras. Meaningis he is preying
narayana, shiva n indra n all to give his child full sreanth to do his samskaras
till his old age( 115 yrs)Pls save my child for all his sufferings. give himk wealthn health.
after tht he take aashirwa m to everybody. then he take his child with wife .guru
prepare food like this style.rice (annam)2spoon gee 1 spoon, honey some drops,first
very little annam from tht n put into mouth of the child. ge keeps his gold ringwitha
finger also. thr means gold spoon. then mom. then his mom n mom'smom given
annam to the child. i want to tell u one thing. in practical they put tht in the mouth
but no one take this. only crying. but it is sasthram ok another one they put headshave
shave.the 1st yr r 3yr this ond can do. often noftodo. hair is more impt o9ne in the body.
fire (agni) is the agent to send our preyers through him to all gods.our next ibig function is upanayam so inviting u all for upanayanam
ok by see u again
Dr vlm.
father did nandi nHOMAM
now we must know some more things. The father finished poojas n the guru
keeps ready to do homam.then he n his pathni should sit before homam.
he put avis n gee spoon by momam with manthras. Meaningis he is preying
narayana, shiva n indra n all to give his child full sreanth to do his samskaras
till his old age( 115 yrs)Pls save my child for all his sufferings. give himk wealthn health.
after tht he take aashirwa m to everybody. then he take his child with wife .guru
prepare food like this style.rice (annam)2spoon gee 1 spoon, honey some drops,first
very little annam from tht n put into mouth of the child. ge keeps his gold ringwitha
finger also. thr means gold spoon. then mom. then his mom n mom'smom given
annam to the child. i want to tell u one thing. in practical they put tht in the mouth
but no one take this. only crying. but it is sasthram ok another one they put headshave
shave.the 1st yr r 3yr this ond can do. often noftodo. hair is more impt o9ne in the body.
fire (agni) is the agent to send our preyers through him to all gods.our next ibig function is upanayam so inviting u all for upanayanam
ok by see u again
Dr vlm.
Saturday, November 12, 2011

frinds welcome
now we r doing annaprasanam. the is growing n do playing
also. so we must do the next function. tht is also one karma.
we first see the birth star. tht day theparents of the child
take bath wear new dres n with the help of guru they do vinayakapooja.then wear kangan
in his hand,if girl rt hand if boy lt dandthis is called prakarena.father said my child born
in this star n easi n gothram. pls save him alwaysto do his karmas without any burdens
fAathr prey th god. then he prepare homa kondam n do homangive n gee in the homam n prey for his child.then we do thehead shave. but do not shavethe hair often.if they want to chigai
but it is must. choodakaramanother name is cholam.now we put krape if girl bobcut.
we pery pithroos for this karma n poooja also we do .if one should become snyasi When he finished all karmas) he wants realisation then he do shaving his head n put kavi vastram
.if u want know the choulamanthr meaning I will tell u next
the relativs n frinds should take lunch. they give gifts to the child.all r singing engaged the child. evening they bring the goldsmith n do the child'searpiercing.baby should cry then
they sing song ply befofe the child.some of them leave. some relation take dinner
n go to their house.here ends the annaprasanam.
Again I see u. by dr vlm
Sunday, September 4, 2011
we r entering now jadakarma. jada means name, karma means
samskaram.After delivary the baby come to the world. the father
take bath.n do the nandi srardha. then he gives food to some people, cloths
nsweets to frinds.the pithrus r happy next gen come . so ur famaly tree will grow
father do this danam befoe cut the naval card which one is conecting the mom
n baby. after cut ting they will becom seprat.then the 11th day we do some karma
1st guru cime n tell the ways. 1st parents take bath n wear new coths n for baby also.
tambathi sit befor homakundam. fat do vinayaka pooja.
there r 11 manthras Diaspari, aakase the agni is called surya ( son)
boomi = agni ,in the sea is called padapagni.in samudre under the samud called
thejomandlw we prey this. next akrandat in aakashe cloud lighningn rain. these
r very important ur life. so we preythem.usic = help seenam cow n oter imp things
r also prey.I prey in ways to give my chils from today to his end of his life
hey agne. give him strenth wealth , heath n make to do all samskaras withou
any disterbence. make his mind with bakthi. n to beleiv these samskaras. n to
do the pithru karmas also u r great. this name is spreding by u in threen lokas
this world also to know who is ge by this name. hey bagvan i prey n put avis(rice boild)
with gee to this homam spoon by spoon. please save my child. then finished homam.
evening all ladies decarate the cradle with flors silk cloths n put the child in the cradl
singing songs enjoing to talk about the child. baby is now going to sleep
we do not diturb now so i will meet u again
by vlm
we r entering now jadakarma. jada means name, karma means
samskaram.After delivary the baby come to the world. the father
take bath.n do the nandi srardha. then he gives food to some people, cloths
nsweets to frinds.the pithrus r happy next gen come . so ur famaly tree will grow
father do this danam befoe cut the naval card which one is conecting the mom
n baby. after cut ting they will becom seprat.then the 11th day we do some karma
1st guru cime n tell the ways. 1st parents take bath n wear new coths n for baby also.
tambathi sit befor homakundam. fat do vinayaka pooja.
there r 11 manthras Diaspari, aakase the agni is called surya ( son)
boomi = agni ,in the sea is called padapagni.in samudre under the samud called
thejomandlw we prey this. next akrandat in aakashe cloud lighningn rain. these
r very important ur life. so we preythem.usic = help seenam cow n oter imp things
r also prey.I prey in ways to give my chils from today to his end of his life
hey agne. give him strenth wealth , heath n make to do all samskaras withou
any disterbence. make his mind with bakthi. n to beleiv these samskaras. n to
do the pithru karmas also u r great. this name is spreding by u in threen lokas
this world also to know who is ge by this name. hey bagvan i prey n put avis(rice boild)
with gee to this homam spoon by spoon. please save my child. then finished homam.
evening all ladies decarate the cradle with flors silk cloths n put the child in the cradl
singing songs enjoing to talk about the child. baby is now going to sleep
we do not diturb now so i will meet u again
by vlm
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
valaikappu n seemandam

dear friends,
now we must know abt valaikappu, poochoodal n seemandam.
the 7th month of prognancy we do this function. in the boys house , the girls
parents n relations r going n dothe function.
first boys parents ask their guru tofix the date for tht. by seeing the girls
star he tells which is suitable date for her to do the festiv. then fix the date
inform all the the relaties n friends to come n join withem to cebrate the poochudal.
tht day moring 6 to 7 the eldrely woman light the kutthuvilakku
n mad one vinayka from manjalpodi. put tht kum kum chandan. put fruits betal fliowers
one new saree sweets n all. they bring the prog girl n ask her to sit in front. facing east
The old lady put flowes on her (back side pleet) head.then they put bangleson her hand. one hand 20, anotyhr 21 like tht. parents give her gold n silver bangle also.with neem leava they make bangle n put it also all these things r doing for mother n child.
next is pumsavanam. pnmsavanam is karma we do this astham moolam,
thiruvonam, punarpoosam, mirugaseersham, poosam r the good star to this.this fir well of
mother n child.
first do agni homam called mugandam..in this function important one is nose
crush. six leaves, 2 veg with aalangolunthu, new saree. small girls make this given items
into a paste. ask the girl to sit in front of homam
facing west. the boy stading before her facing east.in the new saree corner of pallu he put the past n round it. then he crush the juice in the girs noce/very few drops.but it gives more
strength to mother, heart n energy to give normal delivary.
The next is seemandamfor this thursday friday weds mond r good
all these r doing in one day . so tht we ask to tell the good forto fix the function.
girl is sitting facin west, hub is standing in front of hr facing east. he takes mullampandri thorn one small piecs tarpai patthikotthuin his hand. with this he dividaed her hair 2 parts( in front)
n thro this backside.sastri tells manthras n he explai the meanings also.the baby
(indise the utras) is also heard all these things. then the ladies n girls rsinging. alo r taking lunch. very heavy food. We must do seemandamin in everybodys n get good child. first is the best. This subam gives another subamtht gives sugam What ya tht is a baby
meet u all again Vlm
Sunday, April 17, 2011
New Born Baby =grbam=ngivebirth a baby

now w r ready to see about garbam. but before tht something I want tosay about it.tht gir after her period 5 th day onwards she is ready to sangamam.numbs 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 days they do enjoy will get amale they get femal. if she is mor power female will born. if boy is more power male child .they must be happy nenjoy themselves without any other thinking. every body wants 1st child shuld be boy. y?he is the right to do pithru karyam.theythe parents should deside how many chil they want. tht is their wish.evening time6 to 7 early moring do not do sangamam. if. they will get asura child.old lady ugly without clean widow pregnat lady are to awaipersons if pregnant girl wants her hub will do.even diseaded woman also. So now we abut garbam. if tht girl got pregnant we do sme samskaras. 1st if garbam starts ater 3rd month thtis 4th month do pumsavanam. but now peole r doing pumsavanan n seemantham togethr. I will explain now pumsavanam.in pusav we do udagashanthi.prathisarabanda anugzhi,sankalpam,mukandam.(agnihomam)pathrasadanam,jayath homam mukkupizhidal nandhi sradham( hiranyaroobam)Last agni upasthanam.kartha first take snanam an ask brahmanas aseshe hey parishsad( please finish my work to mnathras n alow me n teach me how to do al.0 they say ok ( dadaasthu)they pry varunanafter tht they put thred made from cotten(thred) dip in manjal out it inthe rt hand of theboy ,left hand of girl.this prathi saraban--
we se next month. by vlm.
theydo homam (mukanda thists)
Monday, March 21, 2011
dear frnds,
now we rentering the rudhu santhi jabakarma.
one who is the kartha 1st take headbath n wear new doth of his culs Thenhe
do sankalpam n oupasanam .the guru give him ring made from dapai. He wear it
in his finger.He gives tamboolam with dakshinai saying ashese hayparishad.(it is
asking permit him to do this jaba.)First prey vinayaka without any burdens to
this.He tells myself do this pooja with gurus words.
Clean the flor, draw a kolam put bananaleaf on tht kolam.put rice draw lotus fl on the rice.
one round vessl .put chandan kumkum.pour water into it.put elachi. bunch mango
leafsput the nec of th ves.put coconut on th leafs.from darpa koorcham also put it
guru made the koorcham.This is called kaiasam. we prey varuna.n vishnu.
now start the jabam with the help of guru.He will tell manthras kartha also tell with guru.
invite brahmanas ask them to sit n help.They will sit near the kalasam 108 times
they ask vishnu gayatri,vedadi,aabohiranya, bavamana,varuna,vishnurudra,brahma
durga,sri,purushasuktas. they prey panchasanthi, risambarasi to purify the girl
from dhosas, pamams n give a good child. give her happy in all ways. then do naivedyam
saying namo brahmaneThen guru take the leaf con from the kalasm nsprinkle water
n pouring the water on the girl. then begin to do the homam keep one oinch annam
on the palasa leaf with manthra put in agni ( homam)savithre edam naamama
it is for surya(sun)
other devada saying edam namama.fr vishnu samith, brahma annam,rudra aajya homam.
after finishing this prey to give good health to bear babyin hr womb n give good child.
then guru say to them to take milk rice night n say the good lagnam(time) to go to
the room n they they enjoy thr 1st night.
Now I put . by Vlm
now we rentering the rudhu santhi jabakarma.
one who is the kartha 1st take headbath n wear new doth of his culs Thenhe
do sankalpam n oupasanam .the guru give him ring made from dapai. He wear it
in his finger.He gives tamboolam with dakshinai saying ashese hayparishad.(it is
asking permit him to do this jaba.)First prey vinayaka without any burdens to
this.He tells myself do this pooja with gurus words.
Clean the flor, draw a kolam put bananaleaf on tht kolam.put rice draw lotus fl on the rice.
one round vessl .put chandan kumkum.pour water into it.put elachi. bunch mango
leafsput the nec of th ves.put coconut on th leafs.from darpa koorcham also put it
guru made the koorcham.This is called kaiasam. we prey varuna.n vishnu.
now start the jabam with the help of guru.He will tell manthras kartha also tell with guru.
invite brahmanas ask them to sit n help.They will sit near the kalasam 108 times
they ask vishnu gayatri,vedadi,aabohiranya, bavamana,varuna,vishnurudra,brahma
durga,sri,purushasuktas. they prey panchasanthi, risambarasi to purify the girl
from dhosas, pamams n give a good child. give her happy in all ways. then do naivedyam
saying namo brahmaneThen guru take the leaf con from the kalasm nsprinkle water
n pouring the water on the girl. then begin to do the homam keep one oinch annam
on the palasa leaf with manthra put in agni ( homam)savithre edam naamama
it is for surya(sun)
other devada saying edam namama.fr vishnu samith, brahma annam,rudra aajya homam.
after finishing this prey to give good health to bear babyin hr womb n give good child.
then guru say to them to take milk rice night n say the good lagnam(time) to go to
the room n they they enjoy thr 1st night.
Now I put . by Vlm
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Dear frns,
now we r nearing to know about garbam. But before tht we must know some more things.
The world is called prapancham.Very 1st god is alone.All things r within him. one
fine day He think y not we make many thins from this prapancham. So he makes a very
big vessle it is like round beyaond ur image its so big.Sri Narayan named viratprusha
broken this( cosmic shell)come out a very big body with lotus (world lotus ) on tht
brahma from the se.in virat purusha 14 logas r thr.
this is called srkkasrushti ( eswara srushtj).from the help of virat purusha brahma
made visarkka srushti.(bramma srushti).bramma made muni, manushyas, rishis prajapati, dakshan
.asuras, kinnaras, gandarvasmalen female, animals lik more n more things.
Male n female atracts each other n join together make more children like tht world is
now full in alrespects.
Now we do not about god . but hid agreat thing . it is not possible to do by us.
we must think tht god is everwhere. all the things hei living with us.if there is no god
no praranchamwithout him nothing will move. we belive we must prey him .
another one there r yugas in tnis world. how many 4 yugas. first is krutha yugam 2nd
is thrathayugam, 3rd is dvaparayugam, 4th is kaliyugam.
we r now living in kali yugam.
four yugasjoined one deva yugam. for us 365 days one yr.but for devas this one day.
for us 6 months Utharayanam next 6 months dakshinayanam. but devas uthrayan is day
dakshinayan is night.( one day n one night )like this 365 uthrayan+365 dakshinyan
is one devamanayear.For krutha yug 4800 devamana uears
for thrathayug 3600 devamanayears
dvaparayug 2400devamanayears
for kaliyug 1200devamanayears.
alltotal 12000devamanayears.12000 devamana years one devayugam.
In this kali yuga darmam. wemust help others telling truth speeking kindly, doing pujas,
bajans, doing prathanas,chanting nama govinda narayana like.we must love each n
every one. we love wife n chilns. The sex is also important to produce puthas n female childns.
we must do all these n also trying to know who is He r She r nature.
now we r nearing to know about garbam. But before tht we must know some more things.
The world is called prapancham.Very 1st god is alone.All things r within him. one
fine day He think y not we make many thins from this prapancham. So he makes a very
big vessle it is like round beyaond ur image its so big.Sri Narayan named viratprusha
broken this( cosmic shell)come out a very big body with lotus (world lotus ) on tht
brahma from the se.in virat purusha 14 logas r thr.
this is called srkkasrushti ( eswara srushtj).from the help of virat purusha brahma
made visarkka srushti.(bramma srushti).bramma made muni, manushyas, rishis prajapati, dakshan
.asuras, kinnaras, gandarvasmalen female, animals lik more n more things.
Male n female atracts each other n join together make more children like tht world is
now full in alrespects.
Now we do not about god . but hid agreat thing . it is not possible to do by us.
we must think tht god is everwhere. all the things hei living with us.if there is no god
no praranchamwithout him nothing will move. we belive we must prey him .
another one there r yugas in tnis world. how many 4 yugas. first is krutha yugam 2nd
is thrathayugam, 3rd is dvaparayugam, 4th is kaliyugam.
we r now living in kali yugam.
four yugasjoined one deva yugam. for us 365 days one yr.but for devas this one day.
for us 6 months Utharayanam next 6 months dakshinayanam. but devas uthrayan is day
dakshinayan is night.( one day n one night )like this 365 uthrayan+365 dakshinyan
is one devamanayear.For krutha yug 4800 devamana uears
for thrathayug 3600 devamanayears
dvaparayug 2400devamanayears
for kaliyug 1200devamanayears.
alltotal 12000devamanayears.12000 devamana years one devayugam.
In this kali yuga darmam. wemust help others telling truth speeking kindly, doing pujas,
bajans, doing prathanas,chanting nama govinda narayana like.we must love each n
every one. we love wife n chilns. The sex is also important to produce puthas n female childns.
we must do all these n also trying to know who is He r She r nature.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
dear friends,
now we rentering the . in 40 samskaras the first is idvijanma.
noe we know about it.
Janmana brahmano gnaya: idvija:uchyathe
viprathvam vidaya chapithreebi: srthrhreeya:uchyathe
idvijameans 2times born.birds teeth.brahmana sathriya vaisya
r idvija.by effect of parents first birth.after thtby doing samskaras
2nd birth.this call idvijar.by learing ved sastras ththey become vipran
these three joinded one then he called srothtrian.srothrian is great upnish
ed tells in anandasobanaheis the 1st stepvaisvadevaththil
( akamopahadhayasrothriaswaha"homam fr his .
jeevan apart frm paramathma by maya .because of maya we love all things
we want money, we want tbuy many things n we got disessorrow somany.
but we keep of mind also clean nowe see garpadanam
if we want to put any plnt in our house 1st we selct th place then selec goo seed
n correct way we put .n protect it like thtwanting a child we l do certan things.
after weddin finished the guru sastri tells some more mantras. we must tell n ask
him the meanings. rudu kalam in ur tyoe say th1st night, girl should wear good saree
n put flowersndan kum kum n with smilling new moonday r fullmoon day r no t
good days.mathapoorva roopam(shethram0PITHAUTHTHARAROOPAM(seed)
jeeva goes in pursha's body n waiting his wife's arrivelsastri tell thye didi
star day ntht night. wedding night. 1st nightthe asks brahmanasesha then they tell
dadhastu.he ask brhmanaasesha, then they tells dadhastu. this like per mission
he prey vinayaka,sastri sprinkle the home water on their heads.for pithrus we want to make child so give more shafthi to n my wife without dhosha, without roga all angams correcly
giveo god vishnu. brhma shiva. we danam.dadagive prognatasvindevas also calling
vshnu wll peotect my wife till give birthnejamesham graham come out urthen only she will get my shkthi n give birth a child so here ends the garpadanm
manthras ask ur sastri bcas it takes time more ok
see u again nxt montn vlm
now we rentering the . in 40 samskaras the first is idvijanma.
noe we know about it.
Janmana brahmano gnaya: idvija:uchyathe
viprathvam vidaya chapithreebi: srthrhreeya:uchyathe
idvijameans 2times born.birds teeth.brahmana sathriya vaisya
r idvija.by effect of parents first birth.after thtby doing samskaras
2nd birth.this call idvijar.by learing ved sastras ththey become vipran
these three joinded one then he called srothtrian.srothrian is great upnish
ed tells in anandasobanaheis the 1st stepvaisvadevaththil
( akamopahadhayasrothriaswaha"homam fr his .
jeevan apart frm paramathma by maya .because of maya we love all things
we want money, we want tbuy many things n we got disessorrow somany.
but we keep of mind also clean nowe see garpadanam
if we want to put any plnt in our house 1st we selct th place then selec goo seed
n correct way we put .n protect it like thtwanting a child we l do certan things.
after weddin finished the guru sastri tells some more mantras. we must tell n ask
him the meanings. rudu kalam in ur tyoe say th1st night, girl should wear good saree
n put flowersndan kum kum n with smilling new moonday r fullmoon day r no t
good days.mathapoorva roopam(shethram0PITHAUTHTHARAROOPAM(seed)
jeeva goes in pursha's body n waiting his wife's arrivelsastri tell thye didi
star day ntht night. wedding night. 1st nightthe asks brahmanasesha then they tell
dadhastu.he ask brhmanaasesha, then they tells dadhastu. this like per mission
he prey vinayaka,sastri sprinkle the home water on their heads.for pithrus we want to make child so give more shafthi to n my wife without dhosha, without roga all angams correcly
giveo god vishnu. brhma shiva. we danam.dadagive prognatasvindevas also calling
vshnu wll peotect my wife till give birthnejamesham graham come out urthen only she will get my shkthi n give birth a child so here ends the garpadanm
manthras ask ur sastri bcas it takes time more ok
see u again nxt montn vlm
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