dear friends,
now we must know abt valaikappu, poochoodal n seemandam.
the 7th month of prognancy we do this function. in the boys house , the girls
parents n relations r going n dothe function.
first boys parents ask their guru tofix the date for tht. by seeing the girls
star he tells which is suitable date for her to do the festiv. then fix the date
inform all the the relaties n friends to come n join withem to cebrate the poochudal.
tht day moring 6 to 7 the eldrely woman light the kutthuvilakku
n mad one vinayka from manjalpodi. put tht kum kum chandan. put fruits betal fliowers
one new saree sweets n all. they bring the prog girl n ask her to sit in front. facing east
The old lady put flowes on her (back side pleet) head.then they put bangleson her hand. one hand 20, anotyhr 21 like tht. parents give her gold n silver bangle also.with neem leava they make bangle n put it also all these things r doing for mother n child.
next is pumsavanam. pnmsavanam is karma we do this astham moolam,
thiruvonam, punarpoosam, mirugaseersham, poosam r the good star to this.this fir well of
mother n child.
first do agni homam called mugandam..in this function important one is nose
crush. six leaves, 2 veg with aalangolunthu, new saree. small girls make this given items
into a paste. ask the girl to sit in front of homam
facing west. the boy stading before her facing east.in the new saree corner of pallu he put the past n round it. then he crush the juice in the girs noce/very few drops.but it gives more
strength to mother, heart n energy to give normal delivary.
The next is seemandamfor this thursday friday weds mond r good
all these r doing in one day . so tht we ask to tell the good forto fix the function.
girl is sitting facin west, hub is standing in front of hr facing east. he takes mullampandri thorn one small piecs tarpai patthikotthuin his hand. with this he dividaed her hair 2 parts( in front)
n thro this backside.sastri tells manthras n he explai the meanings also.the baby
(indise the utras) is also heard all these things. then the ladies n girls rsinging. alo r taking lunch. very heavy food. We must do seemandamin in everybodys n get good child. first is the best. This subam gives another subamtht gives sugam What ya tht is a baby
meet u all again Vlm